Are You In Need Of A Bond We Can Help With?
Get the latest surety news in the surety bond blog from American Surety. We provide the latest surety news, helpful resources and industry updates available.
Credit Challenged
Poor Credit Score? Having trouble getting your bond approved because of challenged credit? No credit? Great news, your troubles are over! Fill out our simplified bond application Don't forget, we are licensed in all 50 states to
Talent Agency Bond
Shoot for the stars with American Surety! If you're in need of the talent agency bond required by SAG-AFTRA, we are here to assist! American Surety Bonds is licensed in all 50 states to help with your bonding
Environmental Bond
Hazardous waste contractors! Do you provide environmental services to cities, counties, or the government? Does your business provide services such as dealing with lead-based paint, asbestos, remediation, PFAS, medical disposals, reclamation, oil disposal, and/or super funds? Are you looking for help
Public Adjuster Bond
Public adjusters! Are you in need of your state's required public adjuster bond? Great news! American Surety Bonds is licensed in all 50 states to help with your public adjuster bond requirements. You'll be more than satisfied
Surplus Lines Broker Bond
A Surplus Lines Broker Bond guarantees that the Principal will follow the laws in place regarding the sale and collection of premium and fees for insurance products. If you are a surplus lines broker and need to
Redemption Bond
Looking for a second chance on your foreclosed home? Does the state you reside in have the right of redemption law? If you answered yes to both, we've got the bond for you! The right of redemption