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Looking for fast and easy bonding solutions in Oklahoma? American Surety Bonds offers a wide range of Oklahoma surety bonds that can help you meet your bonding requirements quickly and efficiently. Our bonding experts will guide you through the entire process, making sure you get the right bond for your needs. From construction bonds to license and permit bonds, we have you covered. With our streamlined application process and competitive rates, getting bonded in Oklahoma has never been easier. Contact us today to learn more about our Oklahoma surety bonds and how we can help you secure the bonding you need.

Abstractor’s Bond

An Oklahoma Abstractor’s Bond is a type of surety bond that provides financial protection to clients of abstractors. It ensures that the abstractor conducts thorough research and produces accurate property records. If the abstractor fails to fulfill their obligations, the bond compensates affected parties, offering a safety net for their investments and transactions.

An Administrator Bond is a type of surety bond required for individuals appointed as administrators of estates. It guarantees that the administrator will perform their duties in accordance with state laws and regulations, faithfully manage the assets of the estate, and pay any debts or taxes owed by the estate.

An Airline Reporting Corporation (ARC) Bond is a type of surety bond required by the Airlines Reporting Corporation for travel agencies that wish to issue airline tickets on behalf of airlines. It guarantees that the agency will adhere to ARC’s rules and regulations, accurately report and pay for all tickets issued, and protect the interests of the airlines.

An Appeal/Supersedeas Bond is a type of surety bond that allows a judgment debtor to stay enforcement of a judgment while an appeal is pending. It guarantees payment of the judgment and associated costs if the appeal is unsuccessful. The bond protects the judgment creditor and ensures that they are not left empty-handed if the appeal fails.

A Bid Bond is a type of surety bond that guarantees that a bidder will enter into a contract if they are awarded the bid. It provides financial protection to the project owner if the bidder fails to honor their bid or withdraws from the bidding process. The bond ensures that the owner will be compensated for any costs associated with finding a replacement bidder.

An Oklahoma Boxing, MMA, Kickboxing, and Wrestling Events Promoter Bond is a surety bond required by the state for event promoters. It guarantees compliance with laws and regulations, including the payment of taxes, fees, and wages. The bond protects participants, vendors, and the public against financial losses resulting from promoter negligence or fraudulent activities.

Commercial Medical Marijuana Grower Bond

An Oklahoma Commercial Medical Marijuana Grower Bond is a surety bond required by the state for licensed marijuana growers. It guarantees compliance with regulations, including cultivation, handling, and distribution. The bond protects the state and consumers against any potential violations or financial harm resulting from the grower’s actions.

An Oklahoma Commercial Telephone Seller Bond is a surety bond required for businesses engaged in telephone sales. It ensures compliance with state laws and regulations governing telemarketing activities. The bond provides financial protection to consumers, ensuring reimbursement for any damages caused by deceptive practices or violations committed by the telephone seller.

A Conservator/Guardian of a Minor Bond is a type of surety bond required for individuals appointed as conservators or guardians of minors. It guarantees that the appointed person will manage the minor’s estate responsibly, comply with state laws and regulations, and act in the best interest of the minor. The bond protects the minor’s assets and interests.

A Conservator/Guardian of an Incapacitated Adult Bond is a type of surety bond required for individuals appointed as conservators or guardians of adults who are unable to manage their affairs due to incapacity. It guarantees that the appointed person will manage the adult’s estate responsibly, comply with state laws and regulations, and act in the best interest of the adult. The bond protects the adult’s assets and interests.

An Oklahoma Contractor License & Permit Bond is a type of surety bond required for contractors to obtain a license or permit to operate in Oklahoma. It guarantees that the contractor will comply with all state laws and regulations, pay subcontractors and suppliers, and complete the project according to the contract. The bond protects the state, project owner, and subcontractors.

Credit Services Organization Bond

An Oklahoma Credit Services Organization Bond is a type of surety bond required for credit service organizations operating in the state. The bond serves as a guarantee that the organization will adhere to state laws and regulations governing credit repair, debt management, or credit counseling services. It provides financial protection to consumers against any fraudulent or unethical practices by the organization.

Dishonesty/ Business Services Bond

A Dishonesty/Business Services Bond is a type of surety bond that protects businesses from financial losses resulting from fraudulent or dishonest acts committed by employees. The bond guarantees that the employer will be compensated for any losses resulting from employee theft or fraud. The bond provides financial security to businesses and protects against employee misconduct.

A DMEPOS Bond is a type of surety bond required for suppliers of durable medical equipment, prosthetics, orthotics, and supplies to Medicare beneficiaries. It guarantees that the supplier will comply with all Medicare rules and regulations, bill accurately, and repay any overpayments. The bond protects Medicare and ensures that suppliers follow all applicable laws and regulations.

A DOT Right-of-Way Bond is a type of surety bond required by the Department of Transportation (DOT) to provide financial security for the acquisition of property for public transportation projects. It guarantees that the acquiring agency will compensate property owners for any damages, including fair market value and relocation costs. The bond protects property owners from financial losses resulting from DOT acquisitions.

Employment Agency Bond

An Oklahoma Employment Agency Bond is a surety bond required for employment agencies operating in the state. It guarantees that the agency will adhere to state laws and regulations regarding the recruitment, placement, and representation of job seekers. The bond provides financial protection to individuals who may suffer damages due to the agency’s negligence or fraudulent activities.

An Environmental Bond is a type of surety bond required for businesses engaged in environmentally sensitive operations, such as waste management, hazardous material handling, or pollution control. It guarantees that the business will comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations, maintain and restore the environment, and pay for any damages resulting from environmental harm caused by their operations. The bond protects the public and the environment.


An ERISA Bond is a type of surety bond required for businesses that manage employee benefit plans regulated under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). It guarantees that the plan fiduciary will act in accordance with ERISA regulations, manage the plan in the best interest of its participants, and protect the plan’s assets from loss due to fraudulent or dishonest acts. The bond protects plan participants from financial loss resulting from fiduciary misconduct.

A Fast Track Bond is a generic term that refers to bid bonds, supply bonds, maintenance bonds and payment & performance bonds are underwritten using the Fast Track application process. The Fast Track application process is for bids and contracts under $250,000 and relies heavily on the owner’s personal credit history.

An Oklahoma Gross Production Tax Bond is a surety bond required by the state for oil and gas producers. It ensures compliance with the payment of gross production taxes, which are levied on the extraction of natural resources. The bond provides financial protection to the state, ensuring tax revenues are collected even if the producer fails to pay.

Health Spa Bond

An Oklahoma Health Spa Bond is a surety bond required for health spas operating in the state. It provides financial protection to consumers who purchase prepaid memberships or services from the spa. The bond ensures that if the spa closes or fails to fulfill its obligations, affected consumers can seek reimbursement for their unused prepaid fees or services.

Home Service Contract Providers Bond

An Oklahoma Home Service Contract Providers Bond is a surety bond required for companies offering home service contracts in the state. It ensures that the provider will fulfill its obligations under the contract, such as repairing or replacing covered items in a timely manner. The bond provides financial protection to consumers, guaranteeing reimbursement if the provider fails to meet its contractual obligations.

An Oklahoma License & Permit Bond is a type of surety bond required by the state of Oklahoma for businesses and professionals to obtain various licenses and permits. This bond guarantees that the bonded party will comply with all relevant laws and regulations, and pay any fines or damages resulting from non-compliance.

A Lost Instrument Bond is a type of surety bond required to replace a financial instrument that has been lost, stolen, or destroyed. It guarantees that the bondholder will indemnify the issuer against any loss or damage resulting from the replacement of the lost instrument. The bond protects the issuer from financial loss.

A Maintenance Bond is a type of surety bond that guarantees the quality of work performed by a contractor or builder. It ensures that the work will be free from defects for a specified period of time after completion, typically one or two years. If defects are discovered during this period, the bondholder can make a claim against the bond for the cost of repairs. The bond protects the owner from financial loss.

An Oklahoma Manufactured Home Dealer Bond is a surety bond required for individuals or businesses engaged in selling manufactured homes in the state. It guarantees compliance with state laws and regulations governing the sale and distribution of these homes. The bond provides financial protection to consumers, ensuring reimbursement for any financial loss or damages caused by dealer misconduct or non-compliance.

An Oklahoma Mixed Beverage Gross Receipts Tax Bond is a surety bond required for businesses that sell mixed beverages in the state. It guarantees compliance with the payment of gross receipts taxes levied on these sales. The bond provides financial protection to the state, ensuring tax revenues are collected even if the business fails to make the required payments.

An Oklahoma Money Transmitter & Sale of Checks Bond is a surety bond required for businesses engaged in money transmission and the sale of checks in the state. It ensures compliance with state laws and regulations governing these financial services. The bond provides financial protection to consumers, safeguarding their funds against fraudulent activities or mismanagement by the business.

An Oklahoma Mortgage Lender Bond is a surety bond required for individuals or businesses operating as mortgage lenders in the state. It ensures compliance with state laws and regulations related to mortgage lending activities. The bond provides financial protection to borrowers, guaranteeing compensation for any losses incurred due to lender misconduct or violation of regulations.

Motor Service Club Bond

An Oklahoma Motor Service Club Bond is a surety bond required for motor service clubs operating in the state. It guarantees the club’s adherence to state laws and regulations pertaining to their services, such as roadside assistance or emergency vehicle services. The bond provides financial protection to consumers, ensuring reimbursement for any damages caused by the club’s failure to fulfill its obligations.

An Oklahoma Notary Bond is a surety bond required for individuals appointed as notaries public in the state. It provides financial protection to the public against potential errors or misconduct by the notary. The bond ensures compensation for any losses incurred due to improper notarization, helping to maintain the integrity and trustworthiness of notarial services.

Oil & Gas Well Operators Bond

An Oklahoma Oil & Gas Well Operators Bond is a surety bond required for companies operating oil and gas wells in the state. It guarantees compliance with state regulations regarding drilling, operation, and environmental protection. The bond provides financial protection to the state and landowners, ensuring coverage for potential damages or violations caused by the operator’s activities.

Pawnbroker Bond

An Oklahoma Pawnbroker Bond is a surety bond required for individuals or businesses operating as pawnbrokers in the state. It guarantees compliance with state laws and regulations governing pawnbroking activities, including proper handling of pledged items and accurate record-keeping. The bond provides financial protection to consumers, ensuring reimbursement for any losses resulting from pawnbroker misconduct or violations.

A Payment and Performance Bond is a type of surety bond that guarantees a contractor’s ability to perform a construction contract and pay subcontractors, laborers, and suppliers. The bond is issued to the owner of the project and protects them in the event that the contractor fails to fulfill their obligations. If the contractor defaults, the bondholder can make a claim against the bond for the cost of completion or payment of subcontractors.

Precious Metal & Gem Dealer Bond

An Oklahoma Precious Metal & Gem Dealer Bond is a surety bond required for businesses engaged in buying and selling precious metals and gemstones in the state. It ensures compliance with state laws and regulations governing these transactions, including accurate weighing, grading, and record-keeping. The bond provides financial protection to consumers, ensuring reimbursement for any losses resulting from dealer misconduct or fraudulent activities.

An Oklahoma Private Investigator or Security Guard Bond is a surety bond required for individuals or businesses operating as private investigators or security guards in the state. It ensures compliance with state laws and regulations regarding the profession, including ethical conduct and proper handling of confidential information. The bond provides financial protection to clients, ensuring compensation for any damages caused by the investigator or guard’s negligence or misconduct.

An Oklahoma Private School Bond is a surety bond required for private schools operating in the state. It ensures compliance with state regulations governing private educational institutions, including financial responsibility and adherence to curriculum standards. The bond provides financial protection to students and their families, ensuring reimbursement for tuition payments or other financial losses in the event of school closure or misconduct.

A Probate Bond is a type of court bond that is required when someone is appointed as the executor or administrator of an estate. The bond ensures that the executor or administrator will manage the estate’s assets honestly and responsibly, pay all debts and taxes owed by the estate, and distribute the remaining assets to the heirs according to the terms of the will or the law. The bond protects the beneficiaries of the estate from any mismanagement or misconduct.

A Release of Lien Bond is a type of surety bond that guarantees payment of a mechanic’s lien. It allows a property owner to have a lien released from their property before payment is made, with the bond acting as a form of collateral in the event that the lien is later found to be valid. The bond ensures that the property owner is protected from financial loss if the lien is successfully challenged in court.

A Replevin Bond is a type of surety bond that guarantees the return of property to its rightful owner. The bond is typically required when a person seeks a court order to seize property that is believed to belong to them but is currently being held by someone else. If the court orders the return of the property, the bond ensures that the person holding the property is compensated if the order is later found to be invalid.

Small Lender Bond

An Oklahoma Small Lender Bond is a surety bond required for small lenders operating in the state. It ensures compliance with state laws and regulations governing lending practices, including consumer protection and fair lending standards. The bond provides financial protection to borrowers, guaranteeing reimbursement for any damages resulting from lender misconduct or violation of regulations.

Special Fuel License Bond

An Oklahoma Special Fuel License Bond is a surety bond required for businesses involved in the sale, distribution, or use of special fuels such as diesel, propane, or compressed natural gas in the state. It ensures compliance with state laws and regulations regarding special fuel licensing and tax payment. The bond provides financial protection to the state, ensuring payment of required taxes even if the licensee fails to fulfill their obligations.

A Special Needs Trust Bond is a type of court bond required for the appointment of a trustee to manage a special needs trust. This bond ensures that the trustee will handle the trust assets in accordance with the law and the terms of the trust and protect the interests of the beneficiaries.

A Supply Bond is a contract performance bond that guarantees that a supplier will provide the goods or materials as agreed upon in the contract. It provides assurance to the project owner that the supplier will deliver the goods in a timely and satisfactory manner. In the event that the supplier fails to deliver, the bond amount may be used to compensate the project owner for any resulting losses or expenses.

An Oklahoma Third Party Administrator Bond is a surety bond required for companies operating as third-party administrators in the state. It ensures compliance with state laws and regulations governing the administration of insurance claims and benefits. The bond provides financial protection to policyholders, guaranteeing reimbursement for any losses resulting from the administrator’s negligence or fraudulent activities.

TTB (Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau) Bonds are required by the federal government for businesses that manufacture, import, export, or deal in alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. These bonds guarantee that the business will comply with all relevant regulations and pay all taxes and fees owed to the government.

An Oklahoma Used Motor Vehicle Dealer Bond is a surety bond required for individuals or businesses engaged in the sale of used motor vehicles in the state. It ensures compliance with state laws and regulations governing vehicle sales, including proper titling, disclosures, and financial transactions. The bond provides financial protection to consumers, ensuring reimbursement for any losses resulting from dealer misconduct or violations.

An Oklahoma Utility Bond is a type of surety bond that is required of companies that provide utility services to residents and businesses in the state of Oklahoma. The bond guarantees that the utility company will comply with all applicable state and federal regulations and will provide reliable and safe services to its customers.