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Get the latest surety news in the surety bond blog from American Surety. We provide the latest surety news, helpful resources and industry updates available.
State of Louisiana New Car Dealer Bond
Calling all car dealers in the state of Louisiana! If you're in need of the new car dealer bond that has a $20,000 bond requirement or the used car dealer bond which has a $50,000 bond requirement, your
Texas Mixed Beverage Sales Tax Bond
Attention all liquor store owners, bar owners, nightclub owners, and anywhere that sells liquor or alcoholic beverages. For the state of Texas, the following bonds will be no longer written: Continuous Seller Tax Bond, Mixed Beverage Gross Receipts
SBG Program Fee Reduced
Great news for all contractors currently being supported by the SBG (Surety Bond Guarantee Program.) The SBA has a new, reduced rate fee for the SBG program. The contractor's fee is only 0.6% of the contract amount. Here
Marijuana Bond
Did you know that the marijuana industry is one of the fastest-growing industries in the country? The marijuana bond is no exception to this. Whether you need a marijuana bond in Maine, California, or any state in between,
Electronic Surety Bonds Accepted By The Alaska Division of Banking & Securities
Going into effect on May 1st, new ESB’s, or Electronic Surety Bonds, will now be accepted by the Alaska Division of Banking & Securities. This will be received ONLY through NMLS for the Deferred Deposit Advance License. If
State of Alabama Appraiser Bond
Do you own a home appraisal management company in the state of Alabama? If so, you should know that the Alabama appraiser bond in Bondstar is now a freely written bond. Also, if you need a home appraiser bond